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Hi, I'm Lisa....and welcome to my website.  Everyone has their own way of releasing the pressures of daily life, as a full time working mom and wife sometimes it's not an easy thing to do...some people sit and read a book to do this, some go out to their garden, others do yoga or take a bath after a long day....well, I think about the next party to plan, craft to make or other creative thing to put on my list.  Call me crazy, this is STRESS to some.  But after a long day at work and a busy night of being mom I often find myself lost in the world of creating "printables" or planning the next "little thing" that we are going to do in our lives.  So often I hear "I wish I enjoyed doing that" or "you should start a business" so I decided to take a step in that offer my crazy addiction of creating the "little things" and offering the service to others.  I hope you can take some time out of your busy life to enjoy the little things as well....remember as Robert Brault says, "you may look back and realize they were the big things."

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