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Enjoy the Little Things....perfect example

I decided to share a story about something that happened earlier this week, because each time I tell it the person listening can't help but laugh...and it is exactly what I am talking about when I say let's share life's little moments on this blog...not just my crazy party planning and printables addictions.

So about a month ago we decided to take a new approach on getting our almost 4 year old to bed without calling for every excuse in the world before finally falling asleep. A fish! Let's bribe her, I mean encourage her, by telling her if she can go to bed like a BIG girl for a week straight we will get a real live fact, she can get two...and name them Fred and Shaggy (Scooby Doo) just like she wanted to.

It worked....the following weekend there we were at the pet store buying 2 goldfish. And getting very specific instructions that you CANNOT yell from your bed at night or it will keep the fish awake....of course I had a game plan to make this work for us, did you doubt me?

Fast forward about 3 weeks and I find Fred (the favorite I might add) floating....what do I do? This happened too fast, she is going to be so sad. Husband to the rescue....while we are out he made a fish swap, Fred the Fake made it into the bowl unnoticed. Ok, failure to teach her a lesson about life/death I know, but let's not go there.

2 days go by, yes you read that right - just 2 days....Fred the Fake is someone trying to tell me that I should have been honest in the first place. Ok, time to tell her. First was a quivering lip, then tears, then sobbing. I asked her to talk to me about it. She says, "I just want to change Shaggy's name to Fred, I like Fred more" Is that it?! That's all we have to do?! Consider it done! Shaggy is now named Fred....wait....5 minutes and the tears are back. I ask what is wrong...."Mommy, now I don't have a Shaggy"....the moment was so adorable, so innocent, so FUNNY (Yes, it was funny) that we immediately went to the pet store. We bought a new Shaggy...but we named him Fred....Shaggy got his old name back. Oh and the epic parenting "teach them a lesson" failure....we also bought a everyday I walk in her room praying there will be 3 fish swimming and none floating....

But, if nothing else the adults got a good laugh - many at my expense....and those moments, the HUGE smile (that was tears 10 minutes before about Fred dying) was a reminder that we should enjoy the little things....even little baby goldfish.

P.S. Take my advice that Petco fish are more expensive than Walmart....for $.38 each I have been overheard saying "They can die daily at that price" :) Let's hope I am not back soon though!

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